Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Instructions for the Million Dollar Project - 8/20/13

You are going to spend $1,000,000! Create a Google Docs/Google Drive spreadsheet that contains the following columns:

  • Item
  • Quantity
  • Unit Cost
  • Total Cost
  • Where? (where you can find this item online)
Some general rules:
  • You can't just say, "I'm putting a million dollars in the bank." That's wise saving, but this assignment, it's cheating.
  • You CAN set aside a set amount of money for college. Please cite the website where you found an estimate of your college costs. If you are planning to go to community college first, use separate lines to estimate your cost to stay at home and go to a community college.
  • Try to spend as close to $1,000,000 as you possibly can. You can be slightly under, but you can't go over.
How to create a Google Docs/Drive Spreadsheet instructional YouTube video here:

Intro to Econ - 8/20/13

First Day of Econ - 8/16/13