Friday, February 28, 2014

Finishing Walmart study and starting Quantity Demanded - 2/28/14

PROJECT - The relationship between business and labor

Your task is simple:

--FIRST (STEP #1)--
  • Find an employer. For the purpose of this project, I define employer as someone who owns a business that has at least 10 employees. The "employer" could also be a manager or supervisor, but that manager or supervisor should have supervision over, or responsibility for, at least 10 employees.
  • Find a UNION WORKER. For the purpose of this project, I define union worker as anyone who is a dues-paying member of a labor union. Not sure who might be a union member? Do a Google search for "labor union." Currently, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 14.5 million union employees in the United States.
--NEXT (STEP #2)--
  • Interview that EMPLOYER on video (with his/her permission, of course). Ask these three questions:
    • What are the three most important SKILLS your employees must possess?
    • What are the three most important CHARACTER TRAITS your employees should have to be successful in your company?
    • If you had an opportunity to give advice to high school seniors, what is the greatest wisdom you could share with them?
  • Interview that UNION WORKER on video (with his/her permission, of course). Ask these three questions:
    • As an employee of your company or organization, what kind of wages, benefits, and working conditions do you expect from your employer?
    • What do you believe are the benefits of union membership? Is union membership required in your job? What would your workplace be like if you didn't have union representation or protection?
    • If you had an opportunity to give advice to high school seniors, what is the greatest wisdom you could share with them?

3. Upload your video to YouTube and share the link with Mr. Ippolito (preferred), or find another way to electronically share the video with Mr. Ippolito. Share with Mr. Ippolito by March 9, 2014.

Want to double up? You may interview ONE employer and ONE union worker and get DOUBLE the credit. However, you cannot get double credit for two employers or two workers. It only works if it's one of each.